
In the previous step we have introduced the state abstraction and used a monad transformer to provide our internal API with a unified, monadic handling of “mutable” state and failure modes as a single effect. We have seen that this amounts to considering an effectful computation as an execution plan or “program” that can explicitly be invoked.

So far we have not changed much about our file I/O handling, other than lifting specific I/O exceptions to our CSV failure level. We just execute this code and let exceptions bubble up. But side-effecting I/O seems to be a typical (if not the) case of an effect - can we wrap this into an effectful abstraction, as well?


This is exactly what cats-effect provides. Built on top of the abstractions encoded in the Cats library, it comes with a hierarchy of further high-level abstractions for side-effecting computations, and one main data type supported by these abstractions, unsurprisingly named IO.

Just like we explicitly thread failures through with Either, IO has an implicit failure mode for Throwable. An IO computation can be successful and yield a value, or it can fail and yield a Throwable. This doesn’t seem too different from vanilla exception handling in the JVM - however, it still makes a distinction between pure computations that must never throw (no IO) and side-effecting computations that may fail in a controlled way (with IO).

Running in IO

The only place where we are actually handling side-effecting I/O is when reading lines from the file. Let’s convert the #lines() method to run in IO.

private def lines(file: Path): IO[Either[CSVIOFailure, List[String]]] =
    .fromAutoCloseable { IO.blocking { Source.fromFile(file.toFile) } }
    .use { src => IO.blocking { src.getLines().toList.asRight } }
    .recover {
      case fnfExc: FileNotFoundException =>
        CSVIOFailure(file.toAbsolutePath, fnfExc).asLeft
  • Resource represents the equivalent to Using in IO: Given a closeable resource, it wraps an effectful computation and ensures that the resource will be cleanly closed afterwards, independently of whether the computation succeeded or failed.
  • IO strives to make very efficient use of JVM threads through pooling and reusing threads. This assumes that there a no long-running operations that block a single thread. In cases where this is unavoidable (e.g. when calling external I/O functionality), the corresponding computation should be wrapped in IO#blocking() to let the system know that a different scheduling approach is in order for this task.
  • IO#recover() corresponds to our previous #catchOnly()/#leftMap() construct. It lifts a potential failure from the IO context and converts it to a success value (as seen from the IO level - conceptually it’s still a failure for us, represented by an Either left).

Now we want to continue processing the result of this IO computation. Since #parseLines() is a pure function, we can use the Functor instance for IO.

def parse[T](file: Path)(p: RowParser[T]): IO[Either[CSVFailure, List[T]]] =
  lines(file).map(_.leftWiden[CSVFailure] >>= parseLines(p))

Note the nesting: At the outer level, we #map() over IO, at the inner level we #flatMap() over the Either that is the success result type of the IO computation.

Bootstrapping IO

Now we still need to run the IO computation from our main class. Well, we can’t. Remember, just like State, IO is a computation plan that explicitly is executed with some input. What’s the input for IO? It’s the state of the world, including your file system, your hard drive and yourself. This is not how it’s implemented, of course, but conceptually that’s what it is: An IO[T] is a State[World, T]. We have to rely on the framework to bootstrap our computation by having our main class extend IOApp.

object CSVParseMain extends IOApp:

  // ...

  override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
    args match
      case List(csvFile) =>
        CSVParser.parse(Paths.get(csvFile))(userParser).flatMap {
            e => IO.blocking { println(s"ERROR: $e") } >> ExitCode.Error.pure,
            r => IO.blocking { r.foreach(println) } >> ExitCode.Success.pure
      case _ =>
        IO.blocking { println("Usage: minicsv <csv file path>") } >> 

Think of IOApp as setting up an IO context and then kind of running a #flatMap() over #run(). Note that we have three possible outcomes here: a successful computation with either Success or Error as the result, or a failed computation encapsulating a Throwable that will be dumped upon program exit, just as if letting an exception bubble up.

Let’s run a smoke test for success…

sbt:nanocsv> runMain de.sangamon.nanocsv.step08.CSVParseMain data/users.csv
User(1,Torsten Test,1970-01-01)
User(2,Andrea Anders,2000-02-20)

…and some failure.

sbt:nanocsv> runMain de.sangamon.nanocsv.step08.CSVParseMain data/xyz.csv
ERROR: CSVIOFailure(/work/git/scala/sangamon/nanocsv/data/xyz.csv,
  java.io.FileNotFoundException: data/xyz.csv (No such file or directory))

This was only a sneak peek into cats-effect, of course, and just as with Either based failure modes, the benefit may not be fully obvious at first glance. I can only assure you that I’ve been there, too, and that the advantage of structuring a code base this way slowly but steadily unfolded as I kept working the ideas and experimenting with the implementation.

The full code for this post can be found in package de.sangamon.nanocsv.step08. In the next post we will take a summary look at what we have achieved so far.